No kittens at the moment
When a Ravnklo kitten leaves home it will be:
around 15 weeks
registered and come with a pedigree from NRR (Norske Rasekatterklubbers Riksforbund), which is a member of FIFe (Fédération Internationale Féline)
twice vaccinated
dewormed several times
carrying a health certificate from a veterinarian
- chipped
- insured against hidden problems / faults for 5 years and one month after delivery
- be pretty spoiled with lots of love and attention
The new owners will all get a sales contract from NRR which is legally valid. Besides they will get a booklet with a lot of information, kittenfood, some small toys and gifts.
A kitten costs NOK 13.500,- for buyers from Norway/Sweden. A pre-payment of NOK 3.000,- is to be paid by the time of booking and is a non refundable deposit if the buyer should change his/her mind. If something happens to the kitten the pre-payment will be returned. For buyers outside of Norway/Sweden the price is EUR 1.350. Transportation costs may be added.
If you're interested in a kitten, please mail or make a call. Due to the developement of the kittens, we will decide who's going to be the new owners when they are around 6-7 weeks.
We will always be available if you have any questions concerning the kittens /cats.
Phone: 0047-41306897 - Kjellaug Skare / 0047-91644557 - Åge Pedersen