Mosken - NFO n 24
MOSKEN has his name from Mosken, a small uninhabited rocky island in the municipality of Værøy in Nordland county, Norway. The 1.5-square-kilometre (0.58 sq mi) island is located in the Lofoten archipelago about halfway between the islands of Værøy to the south and Moskenesøy to the north. The Moskenstraumen maelstrom—one of the most powerful in the world—is located on the north side of Mosken. Historically, the island was used for grazing sheep in both the summer and the winter. Mosken lives together with Pondus, from our Cartoon litter, in a wonderful family in Bergen. He is a happy neuter.
Winter and spring 2017:
At Berak's show in February when he was ex1 and nominated for Best in Show both days.
In his new home:
Mosken with (N)Ravnklo's Pondus, 13 years old.
15 weeks
14 weeks
13 weeks
12 weeks
11 weeks
9 weeks
8 weeks
7 weeks
6 weeks
5 weeks
4 weeks
3 weeks
1 week
Newborn Weight at birth: 123 grammes